Today, with Kazakhstan having banished nuclear weapons and joined in creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia, Semipalatinsk has become a powerful symbol. 如今,由于哈萨克斯坦摒弃核武器并加入建立中亚无核武器区的工作,塞米巴拉金斯克已成为一个强有力的象征。
US President Barack Obama is seeking to increase pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapon programs by visiting the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ) on the border between the two Koreas on Sunday before a nuclear security summit in Seoul, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马将于本周日访问朝韩之间的非军事区(DMZ),旨在向朝鲜施压,让其放弃核武计划。随后他将参加在首尔举行的核安全峰会。
China will continue to support ASEAN efforts in establishing the ASEAN nuclear free zone, and is willing to sign the protocol on the Southeast Asian Nuclear Free Zone Treaty at an early date. 我们将继续支持东盟建立东南亚无核区的努力,愿意尽早签署《东南亚无核武器区条约》议定书。
Treaty on South-East Asia nuclear weapon free zone; 东南亚无核武器区条约;
Application of nuclear magnetism logging in water-flooded zone of heavy oil in Liaohe Oilfield 核磁测井在辽河油田稠油水淹层的应用
The almost 300 members of the workforce at the nuclear facility are fast becoming national heroes for their efforts to make safe the facility, which is in an evacuation zone. 核电站里的近300名工作人员正因其排除位于撤离区内的核电站险情的努力,而迅速成为民族英雄。
China will continue to work with the international community to make contributions to the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East and to peace and security in the Middle East. 中方将与国际社会一道,为建立中东无核武器区,为实现中东地区和平与安全继续做出努力和贡献。
The Obama administration has said it is prepared to renew bilateral talks with Pyongyang on its nuclear programme but only as a means of reviving six-party talks on making the Korean peninsula a nuclear-free zone. 奥巴马政府已表示,它准备就朝核计划重启与平壤的双边谈判,但仅仅是作为重启推动朝鲜半岛无核化的六方会谈的一个手段。
The nuclear crisis also means no economic activity can take place in the 30km evacuation zone around the Fukushima plant. 核危机也意味着,在福岛核电站方圆30公里的疏散区内,不会存在任何经济活动。
Nuclear planners clearly did not appreciate how bad things could get on a low-lying coast in a seismic zone; and poor planning is part of the problem. 核能规划者们显然未能认识到在震区地势低洼的海岸边,情况能够变得多糟;而拙劣的设计正是问题的一部分。
( physics) capable of undergoing nuclear fission. troublesome zone (物理学)易于产生核裂变。易发生复杂情况的层带
So nuclear magnetic image logging data is used to make the model of bound water saturation, it is a method and standard of explaining the low resistivity oil zone. 利用岩心、测井及试油资料,分析形成低阻油层的主要因素是束缚水含量高,另外地层水矿化度高、淡水泥浆侵入、富含导电矿物等也是造成低阻的原因。
South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty ( Treaty of Rarotonga) 南太平洋无核区条约(拉罗通加条约)
All of the nuclear power stations built in our country distribute in the warm zone, it is not necessary to think about the heat preservation of instruments and pipelines. 我国早期建设的核电站均地处气候温和地带.因此无须考虑仪表及管道的保温。
International conference on a "Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone" 建立中亚无核武器区国际会议
DISTINGUISHING VOLCANIC ROCK RESERVOIRS WITH T2 SPECTRA OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE ( NMR) Prediction of the Secondary Porosity Zone of Fuyu Oil Layer in the West of Daqing Placanticline 应用核磁共振T2谱划分火成岩次生孔隙储层大庆长垣以西地区扶余油层次生孔隙预测
Protocol II and III to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty 南太平洋无核区条约第二议定书和第三议定书
An Analysis on the Outlook of the South-east Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone 东南亚无核区前景透析
A study on nuclear power plant emergency planning zone ( plume exposure pathway) sizes and recommendations 我国在建核电厂烟羽应急计划区大小的研究和建议
The article adopts a sample of certain nuclear power plant site feasibility study, narrates the application of satellite remote sensing technique integrate airborne film and ground verify data in analysis of project sea area beach stability, muddy water zone, silt transportation and distrbution etc. aspect. 通过某核电厂工程可行性研究实例,叙述卫星遥感技术结合航片影像和地面验证资料在分析工程海区岸滩稳定、浑水带分布、悬浮泥沙运动及分布等方面的应用。
On the basis of geological data of the sea area of Lingao Nuclear Power Plant and the wave velocity test results, the elevation for zone and some indexes of dynamic character of the weathered rock mass was made in the paper. 以岭澳核电站海域工程的地质资料为基础,以波速试验的成果评价风化岩体的分带和一些动力特性指标。
Two experienced physicians of nuclear medicine conducted analyses of images with double-blind method: ① PET/ CT images of foci were observed with visual method, and appearance of definite hypermetabolic or hypometabolic zone in two continuous sections was regarded as abnormality; 图像分析方法:由2位有经验的核医学科医师同时双盲阅片:①目测法观察病灶的PET/CT表现:连续在两个层面上出现明确的高或低代谢区视为异常;
The commercial district is always the nuclear zone of a city or a district, the center of population, an important place for people to experience modern city life. 商业街区往往是一个城市或区域的核心地带,是汇聚人流的中心区域,是人们体验现代城市生活的重要场所。
At last, international regime of nuclear non proliferation impels the countries to establish nuclear free zone in succession. However, not only the international security environment outside, but also the defects of the regime itself result in the limitation of the international nuclear non proliferation regime. 最后,国际核不扩散机制促使世界各地陆续建立了无核区。但是,国际安全大环境等外部原因和机制内部的自身缺陷也造成了国际核不扩散机制效用的局限性。
Using nuclear function of Mercer theorem, do multi-dimensional SVM regression training to get the texture features of sea ice, sea water and ice water mixing zone, and then do regression experiments. 之后利用Mercer定理的核函数,做多维SVM回归训练,得到海冰、海水、冰水混合区域纹理特征后进行回归实验。
A significant reduction in the number of synaptic with nuclear presynaptic membrane and postsynaptic membrane, and a low density in postsynaptic dense zone. 模型组神经元突触数量明显减少,突触前、后膜结构模糊不清,突触后致密区密度低。
The phase of yolk vesicle: Yolk vesicle into multi-layer assignment, yolk granules began to accumulated; nuclear membrane is corrugated and zone radiate appeared in oocytes. 卵黄泡出现时相:卵黄泡成多层排布,开始积累卵黄颗粒;核膜开始呈波纹状,向外突出明显,出现放射带。